Digital identities of mySaveID

WHY mySaveID?

Time-consuming onboarding and identification procedures on the customer side, media disruptions when concluding contracts and labour-intensive checking processes in the contractors' back offices still represent significant cost and risk factors in the sales processes of many companies today.

Digital End2End processes would improve the customer experience, the "customer journey", and at the same time minimise the cost and risk position on the contractor side.

With mySaveID, business customers receive a digital company identity and can inform their business partners which powers of attorney and authorisations their employees have with regard to business transactions. These employees are then able to use mySaveID to electronically sign contracts in a legally secure manner. The contractor can rely on the data verified by mySaveID at all times, and the customer can carry out his transactions "quickly and securely" from anywhere.

mySaveID as an enabler of trustworthy and secure business relationships in the digital world!

Time-consuming onboarding and identification procedures on the customer side, media disruptions when concluding contracts and labour-intensive checking processes in the contractors' back offices still represent significant cost and risk factors in the sales processes of many companies today.

Digital End2End processes would improve the customer experience, the "customer journey", and at the same time minimise the cost and risk position on the contractor side.

With mySaveID, business customers receive a digital company identity and can inform their business partners which powers of attorney and authorisations their employees have with regard to business transactions. These employees are then able to use mySaveID to electronically sign contracts in a legally secure manner. The contractor can rely on the data verified by mySaveID at all times, and the customer can carry out his transactions "quickly and securely" from anywhere.

mySaveID as an enabler of trustworthy and secure business relationships in the digital world!

Digital identities for companies and B2B users

Reusable digital identities

Creation and management of digital identities of companies, persons and organisations

Convenient Operation

Approve and legally sign business transactions without the hassle of repetitive identification procedures.

Compliance Legal regulations

Identification, verification and authentication for your Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Money Laundering Act (AMLA) process with register extracts and eIDAS-certified identification procedures

Risk minimisation in business transactions

Minimise risk by checking all necessary business data for secure interactions with known but also unknown business contacts

Transparent and  comprehensible

Transparent business processes and release status within companies, value chains and ecosystems

Increasing process efficiency

Easily scalable business processes with digital signatures an

Easy to integrate, compatible

Easy integration (API) into existing applications, portals and networks as well as blockchain platforms

Future-proof and sustainable

The digital representation of companies, people and machines enables the digitalisation of existing and the creation of new business models

Reusable digital identities

Creation and management of digital identities of companies, persons and organisations

Convenient Operation

Approve and legally sign business transactions without the hassle of repetitive identification procedures.

Compliance Legal regulations

Identification, verification and authentication for your Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Money Laundering Act (AMLA) process with register extracts and eIDAS-certified identification procedures

Risk minimisation in business transactions

Minimise risk by checking all necessary business data for secure interactions with known but also unknown business contacts

Transparent and  comprehensible

Transparent business processes and release status within companies, value chains and ecosystems

Increasing process efficiency

Easily scalable business processes with digital signatures an

Easy to integrate, compatible

Easy integration (API) into existing applications, portals and networks as well as blockchain platforms

Future-proof and sustainable

The digital representation of companies, people and machines enables the digitalisation of existing and the creation of new business models

About us - mySaveID GmbH

mySaveID GmbH belongs to the msg Group, but is an independent company. It was founded specifically to guarantee the independence and security of the customer data it manages, which is necessary for trust services.

The advantage for you as a customer: you benefit from the agility of a start-up that can draw on the capacities and services of the established IT consulting and integration company msg as needed. The group of companies, which has been successful for over 40 years, offers a comprehensive portfolio of services worldwide with more than 9,000 employees.

mySaveID Management-Team

Karsten Treiber
Managing Director

Christoph Pellwitz
Managing Director

Take your service to the next level -
with the expertise of mySaveID

Contact us!

Karsten Treiber

Managing Director

Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage

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