Service Description mySaveID

1.  Identification of natural person with eID

1.1 mySaveID is a trust service that offers its users the possibility to identify themselves online and verify their identity. The identification by means of eID is carried out by one of our service providers. The service is available to our users around the clock (24/7).

​1.2 The requirement for using identification through an eID is the so-called eID function of the identity document. This function can be found in the German identity card, an electronic residence permit or an eID card for Union citizens. In addition to one of these identity documents, the corresponding PIN is required. As a user, please check before identifying yourself whether your identity document offers such a function, whether you have already activated it and whether your mobile device has an NFC interface for reading out the eID.

1.3 Identification is a requirement for using the trust service and must follow the legal requirements. With successful identification via eID, you receive the security level "high" as defined by the eIDAS Regulation. After identification, you can store your verified identity and that of your organization in your account at mySaveID up to three years, depending on the validity of the document used and use it as needed, for example, in connection with signing documents. After the three years have expired, this period can be extended by three years at a time by identifying yourself again.

​1.4 With the identification, mySaveID confirms that the person has submitted the required proof of identification at the specified time and that the document check was positive. If identity attributes change, the user is obliged and responsible to re-identify himself/herself immediately and to submit the changes accordingly.

2. Manual identification of natural person on site

2.1 mySaveID is a trust service that offers its users the opportunity to be identified by a mySaveID employee or service provider at an on-site appointment and to verify your identity. The identification is done by checking an official identification document of the user. The service is only available to our users with a prior appointment.

​2.2 The requirement for manual identification is an appointment with an employee of msg mySaveID GmbH. Furthermore, the person to be identified needs an official and valid identification document. mySaveID is gradually expanding its support for foreign identification documents. A list of the identity documents supported in addition to the German identity card and passport can be found here:

2.3 Identification is a requirement for using the trust service and must follow the legal requirements. With successful on site identification, you receive the security level "high" as defined by the eIDAS Regulation. After identification, you can store your verified identity and that of your organisation in your account at mySaveID for up to three years, depending on the validity of the document used and use it as needed, for example, in connection with signing documents. After the three years have expired, this period can be extended by three years at a time by re-identifying yourself.

2.4 With the identification, mySaveID confirms that the personal details at the specified time match the verified proof of identification. If identity attributes change, the user is obliged and responsible to re-identify himself/herself immediately and to enter the changes accordingly.

3. Identification of legal person

3.1 mySaveID not only checks the identity of the natural person, but also the identity of the legal person, including legally capable partnerships. After successful identification of the company representative(s) (natural persons), the identification of the legal entity is carried out. For this purpose, information from public registers is checked and verified by a mySaveID employee. An identification is valid for up to three years.

3.2 The requirement for the identification of the legal entity is an entry in the joint register portal of the federal states of Germany. After identification, the verified identity of your organization can be stored for up to three years and used as needed, for example, in connection with sealing documents. mySaveID also successively offers identification based on other official documents.  A list of the official documents currently supported can be found here:

3.3 mySaveID confirms with the identification that a legal entity is registered in a public register or in an official document with the specified data at the specified time. The client undertakes to notify mySaveID without undue delay of any changes to the register entries and to initiate a new identification.

4.  Qualified Digital Signature

4.1 With mySaveID, it is possible for the client to sign documents using a qualified electronic signature ("QES").

4.2 Unterstützt werden PDF-Dokumente. mySaveID baut die unterstützten Dateitypen sukzessive aus. Eine Liste aller neben PDF-Dokumenten unterstützten Dateitypen findet sich hier: 

4.3  The qualified signature provided by mySaveID generally fulfils the written form requirement and has the same legal effect as a handwritten signature (cf. Article 25 eIDAS Regulation). In individual cases, however, the applicable laws may exclude electronic form (e.g. a notice of termination under labour law or the preparation of wills).

4.4  mySaveID only warrants that the qualified digital signature meets the requirements of a QES in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation. It is the Client's responsibility to check whether the QES is sufficient for the legal transaction in accordance with the legal provisions. mySaveID is accordingly not responsible for whether a document is legally valid by using QES.

5.   Qualified Digital Seal

5.1 The electronic sealing service of mySaveID enables the sealing of PDF documents. By sealing a document, the origin and integrity of the document can be proven. In doing so, mySaveID offers the level of Qualified Electronic Seal as defined by the eIDAS Regulation. The Qualified Electronic Seal is comparable to the company stamp from the analogue world.

5.2 The Qualified Electronic Seal confirms the integrity and authenticity of an electronic document and can also confirm the origin of the document. It can therefore be used as evidence in legal matters.

5.3 PDF documents are supported. mySaveID is successively expanding the supported file types. A list of all file types supported in addition to PDF documents can be found here: 

5.4 Clause 4.4 applies accordingly to the qualified digital seal.

6. Advanced Digital Signature

6.1 With mySaveID, it is possible for the client to sign documents using an advanced electronic signature ("AES").

6.2 PDF documents are supported. mySaveID is successively expanding the supported file types. A list of all file types supported in addition to PDF documents can be found here:

6.3 In accordance with the eIDAS Regulation, the AES is uniquely assigned to the signatory, enables the signatory to be identified, is created using electronic signature creation data that the signatory can use with a high degree of confidence under his or her sole control, and is thus linked to the data signed in such a way that subsequent modification of the data can be detected. However, the AES provided by mySaveID does not have the same legal effect as a handwritten signature or qualified electronic signature and is therefore only suitable for documents without a legal written form requirement.

6.4 mySaveID only warrants that the advanced digital signature meets the requirements of an AES in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation. It is the responsibility of the client to check whether the AES is sufficient for the legal transaction in accordance with the legal provisions and whether the evidential value of an AES is sufficient for the client. mySaveID is accordingly not responsible for whether a document is legally valid through the use of an AES or whether the conclusion of a contract can be proven in a legally secure manner through the use of AES.

7. Simple Electronic Signature

7.1 mySaveID enables the customer to sign documents using a simple electronic signature ("SES").

5.3PDF documents are supported. mySaveID is successively expanding the supported file types. A list of all file types supported in addition to PDF documents can be found here:

7.3 The SES is assigned to a signatory and is created using electronic signature creation data. The simple signature provided by mySaveID does not have the same legal effect as a handwritten signature, qualified or advanced electronic signature and is therefore only suitable for documents without a legal written form requirement.

7.4   mySaveID only guarantees that the simple digital signature fulfils the requirements of an SES in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation. It is the customer's responsibility to check whether the SES is sufficient for the legal transaction in accordance with the statutory provisions and whether the probative value of an SES is sufficient for the customer. mySaveID is therefore not responsible for whether a document is legally valid through the use of an SES or whether the conclusion of a contract can be proven with legal certainty through the use of an SES.

8. Administration

8.1 In the administration area, various applications are available to our clients. On the one hand, users can be invited to the mySaveID service in this area. On the other hand, different roles can be assigned to users and the services for can be activated or deactivated for specific users.

8.2 Furthermore, the administration area offers our clients the possibility to map their organisational structure. Individual users can be assigned to departments or a specific sales region, for example.

8.3 On the basis of the information provided by the organisation, the organisation's users may be administered by company representatives who are registered in the commercial register and by users appointed by them as administrators. A prerequisite for the exercise of administrative activities within an organisation is successful onboarding, including the identification of the natural person and his or her link to the administering organisation.

9. Document Management

9.1 The mySaveDocs service provides our clients with the features of a modern document management system. The application can be used to save and organise documents and metadata.

9.2 With the help of the file sharing function, files can be shared to and managed with Third Parties. Third Parties are customers, suppliers or other business partners, with which files are shared in individual cases for the company's own business purposes (i.e. in particular the retrieval of contracts). Misuse of the file sharing function is prohibited. In particular, misuse shall deem to exist where the file sharing within mySaveDocs is used to make files available to the public (e.g. on a publicly available website).

9.3 The application also offers our clients the possibility of managing permissions regarding documents and directories. These permissions refer to access rights or functions in mySaveDocs.

9.4 Within mySaveDocs, metadata, descriptions and other information can be added, thereby making it easier for users to search for and manage documents. Within the integrated search function, it is also possible to search for metadata in addition to known search terms.

9.5 In combination with mySaveID, documents can be signed electronically in mySaveDocs.

9.6 Unless otherwise agreed with the client, the maximum file size for mySaveDocs is 20 megabytes and the maximum number of files is 1,000 per client user.

9.7 Permitted file formats are pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, png, jpeg.

9.8 mySaveDocs is available daily (Monday to Sunday) in the period from 03:00 to 24:00 CET/MEZ ("Served Operating Hours"). During the Served Operating Hours, the availability of the mySaveDocs shall be 95% on a calendar year average.